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Le Mont de Sisyphe
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Location: Zurich, Switzerland

Je suis beau et intelligent. À part cela, je suis juriste helvète, libéral-conservateur, amateur d'armes, passionné d'histoire et de politique. Je suis libéral et capitaliste convaincu car je pense que c'est cela l'état naturel de l'homme. Je parle le "Schwiizerdütsch" avec un accent zurichois, j'adore la bonne musique, la bière et surtout la femme avec qui je vis.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Steuern? Solidarisch?

Zitieren wir zur Abwechslung mal den Tagi:
Economiesuisse hält Steuern für «ausgeprägt solidarisch»

Die Wirtschaft und die Reichsten bestreiten laut Economiesuisse einen guten Teil der Kosten des Staates und der Sozialwerke. Sie sollten entlastet werden, damit sie nicht abwandern.

Der Wirtschaftsdachverband Economiesuisse heizt mit einer Studie die Debatte um die Steuergerechtigkeit an. Untersucht wurde, wie Bund, Kantone und Gemeinden sowie die Sozialversicherungen finanziert werden: Die Unternehmen steuern 22 Prozent der Einnahmen bei, die 250’000 einkommensstärksten Privatpersonen weitere 35 Prozent. Der Mittelstand finanziert 31 Prozent der Staatskosten und das unterste Viertel 5 Prozent, während weitere 5 Prozent durch neue Schulden bestritten würden. Daraus folgert Economiesuisse: «Der Staat wird mehrheitlich von einer Minderheit finanziert.»

Das Schweizer Steuersystem sei somit «ausgeprägt solidarisch», sagte Economiesuisse-Präsident und FDP-Nationalrat Gerold Bührer. Die linken finanzpolitischen Schlagworte vom «Totsparen des Staates», von der «Umverteilung von unten nach oben» und vom «ruinösen Steuerwettbewerb» seien unhaltbar.

Das alles ist natürlich nicht wirklich neu. Die Progression der Steuersätze ist zu einem grossen Teil verantworlich dafür, dass es bloss eine Minderheit ist, die den "Karren am laufen" hält - zugunsten der diktierenden Mehrheit. Des Weiteren stellt sich aber auch wieder heraus wie unentbehrlich die Unternehmer und Unternehmen für unsere Welt sind. Die neidvollen Kritiker des Kapitalismus sollten dies bedenken. Ohne die Kapitalisten liefe gar nichts.

Gerold Bührer kann aber nicht beigepflichtet werden. In einem solchen System ist aus zweierlei Gründen keine Spur von "Solidarität" zu erblicken: Einerseits reden wir hier von Zwangsabgaben. Solidarität hat aber naturgemäss freiwillig zu erfolgen. Ansonsten ist sie erzwungen und deshalb unmoralisch und vom legalisierten Raub nicht zu unterscheiden. Andererseits läuft die Schweizer Steuersolidarität nur in einer Einbahnstrasse. Oder anders gefragt: Geht vor lauter Fixierung auf die Kapitalisten etwa der Solidaritätsbeitrag der Armen an die Reichen verloren?

Schliessen wur mit einem passenden Zitat:
"So you think that money is the root of all evil? Have you ever asked what is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce. (...)"

Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Les avantages du "Service public"

Si vous devez prendre un bus à Fribourg et que vous n'avez pas CHF 2.20 en petite monnaie, ne vous souciez point: Vous avez la possibilité de payer CHF 3.00 et de faire une donation aux Transports publics fribourgeois (donation non-décuctible dans votre déclaration fiscale, cela va de soi): En 2007, les distributeurs de billets des transports publics du canton de Fribourg ne rendent pas la monnaie. Quel manière élégante d'arrondir les fins de mois des finances publiques!

Nous sommes donc en présence d'un des avantages du "Service public": Produire de la camelote dans l'impunité tandis que les consommateurs sont de facto forcés de se servir auprès du "Service public": Car il fait partie intégrante de la politique du "Service public" de rendre totalement désavantageux de se servir de moyens privés de substitution (p.ex: en raison d'une suppression de places de parc l'utilisation de véhicules privés devient illusoire).

Dans un marché véritablement libre et ouvert à la concurrence, qui serait suffisament fou pour aller produire voire acheter une telle machine qui ne rend pas la monnaie? Une telle entreprise se ferait rapidement évincer du marché. Cependant, le fonctionnaire, et avec lui toute la bureaucratie, sont faits pour rester. Là est tout le problème.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Pope Benedict XVI: Winner of the Kim Jong-Il prize

Le Mont De Sisyphe is proud to announce the latest winner of the Kim Jong-Il Prize:

Pope Benedict XVI

Comrade Pope Benedict XVI is given this much-coveted award for his exemplary struggle against the oppression of the world's poor by the greedy and for more social justice through fair regulations: Our laureate is about to condemn the use of evil tax havens by the class ennemies Multi-national enterprises for they harm the efforts of the benevolent bureaucrats to shape the world at the expense of the produvctive men in accordance with more equitable standards.

Via Taxanalysts (subscribers only):
Pope Benedict XVI, spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church, is set to condemn the use of offshore tax havens as an immoral and "socially unjust" practice, according to media reports coming out of Vatican City.

Pope Benedict XVI, spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church, is set to condemn tax evasion and the use of offshore tax havens as immoral and unjust practices, according to media reports coming out of Vatican City.

The papal denunciation is expected to take the form of an encyclical to be released in matter of days. The document will discuss taxation within the context of a broader discussion of social justice and the economic challenges of globalization. Encyclicals are authoritative statement of Catholic Church policy authored by the pontiff and issued by the church on an intermittent basis.

The move would represent a rare instance of one of the world's major religious figures taking a firm stance on the secular matter of taxation. The Catholic Church claims a worldwide following of more than one billion people.

The pope will argue that tax evasion, tax havens, and offshore banks are "socially unjust" since they reduce government tax revenues and diminish governments' ability to help society's least fortunate, The Times of London reported on August 14. Ignzaio Ingrao, a Vatican insider, says the pope will argue for a world trade and economic system that is "regulated in such a way as to avoid further injustice and discrimination," the newspaper said. (...)

(Thanks P.B.)

UPDATE (16.08.2007, 22:51): Read the Liberty Papers on this:
Leaving aside the fact that the encyclical ignores historical facts such as the complete failure of any economic system based on the idea of “an equitable world system based on social justice rather than profit,” it’s disturbing that the Church seems to ignore history, and the complete and abject failure of that laboratory of socialism known as the Soviet Union and it’s allies. Moreover, given the fact that socialism in power has traditionally been an enemy of religion, one would think that the Church would think twice about endorsing its underlying premises.

So, yes, according to the Catholic Church, taking steps to prevent the state from taking your property is wrong.

Something tells me there’s something wrong with that idea to begin with

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Friday, August 10, 2007

The European Tax Cartel and Switzerland’s Role

How the European Union is increasingly becoming a high tax cartel, showing the typical aggressive behavior against outsiders, whilst having centralizing and thus desastrous effects to overall economic development and what Switzerland's implications are therein. Read the Swiss Institut Constant de Rebecque's new comprehensive study on the matter:
The European Tax Cartel and Switzerland’s Role (in English, German and French)

(European Flag: Hat Tip FREE EUROPE)

UPDATE (10.08.2007, 10:07): I just read that Apparatchik Barroso qualified the EU as an "Empire". To have imperial aspirations has not always been a good idea. It becomes funny though when you think that the EU considers itself to be precisely some sort of counter-weight against the capitalist and cynical "Empire" United States. Anyway, former Maoist Barroso has again underlined what the EU is certainly NOT: A preserver of its citizens' freedom in prosperity and happiness.

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

What if importing the Coran were prohibited in Switzerland?

Imagine some European country or the United States were enacting a law precluding muslims to import their Coran into the country. The by now well-known CISRR (Crazy islamist street raging rampage) would be sure to start all-over again. As a lover of individual liberty I am glad this is not the case. One should be allowed to import whatever he pleases. However, if you are going to Saudi Arabia, you better leave your Bible or your little Star of David necklace at home. The saudi arabian guards a the airport would immediatley seize it from you. Non-islamic items are prohibited in Saudi Arabia.

Via LGF and the Jerusalem Post:
Despite a series of initiatives aimed at generating foreign tourism, the Saudi Arabian government continues to bar Jews and Christians from bringing items such as Bibles, crucifixes and Stars of David into the country and is threatening to confiscate them on sight, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

“A number of items are not allowed to be brought into the kingdom due to religious reasons and local regulations,” declares the Web site of Saudi Arabian Airlines, the country’s national carrier.

After informing would-be visitors that items such as narcotics, firearms and pornography may not be transported into the country, the Web site adds: “Items and articles belonging to religions other than Islam are also prohibited. These may include Bibles, crucifixes, statues, carvings, items with religious symbols such as the Star of David, and others.”

Contacted by the Post, an employee of Saudi Arabian Airlines in New York, who would only give her name as Gladys, confirmed this rule was in force. “Yes, sir,” she said, “that is what we have heard, that it is a problem to bring these things into Saudi Arabia, so you cannot do it.”

An official at the Saudi Consulate in New York, who declined to give her name, told the Post that anyone bringing a Bible into the country or wearing a crucifix or Star of David around their neck would run into trouble with Saudi authorities.

“You are not allowed to bring that stuff into the kingdom,” the consular official said. “If you do, they will take it away,” she warned, adding, “If it is really important to you, then you can try to bring it and just see what happens, but I don’t recommend that you do so.

Asked to explain the policy, the official said, “Every country has rules about what can or cannot enter.”

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Vanilla Fudge - You Keep Me Hanging On

One of the great drummers who tend to be forgotten behind the immortals John Bonham and Keith Moon is certainly Carmine Appice who played with Vanilla Fudge and with Beck Bogert Appice. Watch and hear him play "You keep me hangin' on" with Vanilla Fudge in the Ed Sullivan Show in 1968.

[Carmine Appice] "set the foundation for heavy drumming ... before Bonham, before Ian Paice... before anyone else." - Rick Van Horn, 1999 Modern Drummer magazine.

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A Slovenian Capitalist

Found a new capitalist ally: Rok Spruk from Slovenia over at Capitalism & Freedom:
Economic Freedom, Individual Liberty and Economic Growth compose the content of my blog alongside periodic observations on economics, public policy, international economy and business.
Let it rock, mate!

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